Jesse's Devlog

2 Weeks Game Jam

Task - programmer

  • Week 1

Day 1
Research ideas for the game.

Day 2
Start a new project in unity and build a basic prototype. Set up the navigation in unity and write an AI script.

Day 3
Test the AI script and make them random patrol.
Write the script for the player control and testing in the prototype.

Day 4
Import the animation for the player character. Write a script for the camera following the player and make it won’t go through the wall and other colliders.

Day 5
Import the animation for the AI. Write a script for the player pick up items and score count. Do a simple game testing.

  • Week 2

Day 6
Write a script for the environment items random generator. Set the script in the game manager and test the prototype.

Day 7
Write a script for the in game UI and connect with the score system. Write another script for the main menu and connect all the buttons to the script.

Day 8
Import the sky box and shader to our game. Complete the prototype.

Day 9
Fixing the Player and AI animation for the artists. Do the game testing and get some feedback. Fixed all the problems and made a game build.

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